Types of hearing loss
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Anatomy of ear
Hearing is how we turn sound waves in the air into signals that our brain understands as sounds.
The ear canal carries sound to the eardrum. Sound waves make the eardrum shake. The eardrum picks up these vibrations, which then travel through tiny bones in the ear called the malleus, incus, and stapes.
The tiny bones in the middle ear make sounds louder and send them to the inner ear. When sound travels through your ear, it makes the fluid in your cochlea move, which creates a wave on a part called the basilar membrane.
The cilia move back and forth because of the wave. Tiny hairs close to the inner ear can sense when a cell phone is ringing. People who are near the cochlea hear deep sounds that sound like a big dog barking.
Cilia hit a membrane and tilt as they travel up and down. Here, electricity is generated.
The auditory nerve sends electrical messages from your ears to your brain. Your brain then figures out things like how loud a sound is, how high or low it is, and when it happened. This information helps us figure out how the environment is changing and tells us the difference between someone talking and other sounds in the background.
Sensorineural hearing loss
Hearing loss is nerve loss caused by problems with the Cochlea, the auditory nerve, or the part of the brain that controls hearing. Most Sensorineural Hearing Loss is caused by problems or damage to the Cochlea -Retro Cochlear, which can be caused by age, high blood pressure, too much noise, ototoxic drugs, birth flaws, genetics, strain, external factors, etc. Hearing aids are the best solution for sensorineural hearing loss.
Conductive hearing loss
Hearing loss is medically or surgically treatable when caused by wax buildup, glue ear, perforation of the tympanic membrane, obstruction of the Eustachian tube, inflammation of the middle ear, or a lack of continuity or elasticity in the ossicular bone chain. Hearing aids are typically helpful for patients with Conductive Hearing Loss, especially when other treatments, such as medication or surgery, don’t work.
Mixed hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss is a mix of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. It happens when the outer or middle ear, as well as the inner ear or auditory nerve, are damaged. This type of hearing loss can be caused by chronic ear infections, trauma, medicines, or aging. Mixed hearing loss can be treated with hearing aids, surgery, or both, depending on the severity and cause.
Noise-induced hearing loss
Excessive noise typically causes NIHL. Military, police, construction, manufacturing, farmer, dentist, and kindergarten teachers are at danger of hearing impairment from this. Rock concerts and loud MP3 players damage hearing. Loud noises can accelerate hearing loss. Loud noises require ear protection. NIHL can result from strong noises like explosions. Working in a woodshop with loud noises might also cause it.
Fun activities can damage hearing. These include shooting, hunting, riding snowmobiles, listening to music excessively loudly through earbuds or headphones, playing in a band, and attending noisy concerts. Lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and woodworking equipment can cause hearing damage.
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss
it’s a medical issue that needs attention immediately. It can be recognized by sudden hearing loss in one or both ears, which is often followed by feeling dizzy or hearing ringing in the ears. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is often hard to figure out, but it is thought to be caused by things like virus infections, autoimmune diseases, or problems with blood flow to the inner ear. Treatments for sudden sensorineural hearing loss include corticosteroids and influenza drugs.